Lori Straus Communications

If you're making the world a better place to live but can't find the right words to spread your message, we'd like to be part of your team. 

We create web copy, blog posts, and social media posts that highlight your company’s uniqueness. You provide us with your marketing plan and sales funnel, and we put the right story in front of your audiences at the right time.

How Do We Help You?

In two ways.

One: not only do we write all your content from scratch, but we pay special attention to words we believe will help you sound like the humans behind your company so you can connect with the humans in your market to bring about change.

People are tiring of being treated like droids. They want a human touch again. Your content needs to give them that feel while still reflecting your brand’s voice.

And two: to accomplish this, a content writing services company needs writers who can write in many voices. Our owner is not only a copywriter; she published her first novel in 2018 and can write in different voices and for different audiences.

Lori shared her storytelling skills with her freelance clients beginning with her first magazine articles over a decade ago. Once she expanded to Lori Straus Communications, she ensured that the writers she hired were storytellers, too.

It's important to note we aren't a marketing consulting company. If you're unsure of your marketing strategy, a marketing consultant can help you define it. A content writer, on the other hand, will help you build a relationship with the audience you've identified. We explain more about the differences between marketing consultants and content writers here.

Lori asks me the right questions and really listens to my needs.  I always feel like it is her goal to really understand what my needs are, so her work can do its best to help my business grow.

Star Performance AcademyStar Performance Academy

Despite the long distance between us, I feel like Lori is sitting next to me and reading my thoughts: she sees the essence of the issue, feels the tone of voice which is needed and she is always on time!

Catch FeedbackCatch Feedback

Lori is a joy and a pleasure to work with. She listens to your needs and can even offer insightful tips on how to improve your requests and strategies if necessary. I am always happy with the content she delivers. It’s good to have Lori in your corner.


Lori is spooky-good at writing for us. She easily understands our nitty-gritty technical details, niche audience, and critical internal requirements. After quickly demonstrating the ability to create rich, compelling copy in any length, she moved on to predicting our requirements better than an internal writer could have. Lori may be psychic, or better yet, an amazing resource for any marketing team to get great written content fast.


What Kind of Content Do We Write for You?

Some content writing services charge based on the quality of content you want. For example, we found one that charges based on a star-rating system: you pay not much for one-star content, and more for four-star content.

We don’t do that. Everything we produce is of high quality.

But “high quality” is probably one of the most-used adjectives in marketing for bad products and services, isn’t it? So, what do we consider high-quality content writing? We believe it has the following qualities:

  • Concrete details and facts build the backbone of the content.
  • The call-to-action is clear.
  • Sources are cited.
  • The content is appropriate for the intended audience and position in the sales funnel.
  • The voice of the piece matches the brand voice while still sounding like a person wrote it.

So, to ultimately answer your question, we write in the style appropriate to your company’s brand and voice. If you’d like something more formal, we’ll write in that style. More casual? Copy that.

How Do You Get Started?

If you're interested in working together, contact our team via the form in our footer.

We don’t believe in high-pressure sales tactics. So, please contact us even just to ask questions. We may follow up if we don't hear from you, but we won’t add you to any email or call list simply because you wanted to talk to us.

So, please, go ahead and email or call. We're here to help you make the world a better place. We usually respond within one day.

Have a Question About Content Writing? Email Us and We'll Get Back to You Within 1 Business day.

Phone (New York/Toronto): (519) 503-7098

Location: Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

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