Pulse Infoframe develops patient registries for researchers, pharma and biotech, and patient advocacy organizations so they can use real-world data to generate real-world evidence and find treatments and even cures for rare disease, chronic conditions, and cancer. They’ve been a client since 2018 and ask us to write a wide range of content: blog posts, articles, case studies, employee profiles, press releases, social media coordination, product brochures, and more. We also edit a great deal of their content before it gets published to ensure brand voice consistency and, when needed, to help turn science jargon into laypeople’s terms.
Because of the scientific nature of Pulse Infoframe’s work, a lot of the content may be heavily edited when it goes internal for review. Our writers work well with this kind of collaboration: we’re here to help our clients. If we get something wrong, we expect our clients to tell us so we can get it right.
Below are links to just a handful of samples what we’ve written for Pulse Infoframe over the years.